Tuesday, August 9, 2011


'In other circumstances, this would have been the start of a romance. But I think we both knew, even then, that what we had was something more rare, and even more meaningful. I was going to be his friend, and was going to show him possibilities. And he, in turn, would become someone who I could trust more than myself.'

-Paul (Boy Meets Boy, David Levithan)

Boy Meets Boy

“I know you won’t understand this but they love me. It would be much easier if they didn’t. But in their own way, they love me. They honestly believe that if I don’t straighten out, I will lose my soul. It’s not just that they don’t want me kissing other guys – they think if I do it, I will be damned. Damned, Paul. And I know that doesn’t mean anything to you. It really doesn’t mean anything to me. To them, though, it’s everything.”

-Tony (Boy Meets Boy, David Levithan)


Queen Elizabeth:“Did you miss me Edmund?”
Edmund Blackadder:“Madam… life without you is like a broken pencil.”
Queen Elizabeth:“Explain.”
Edmund Blackadder:“Pointless…”

-Blackadder: Series 2, Episode 6


'A man without a mustache is like a cup of tea without sugar'

-English Proverb

Monday, August 8, 2011